EVENT: North Korea in 2025: Next Steps on the Korean Peninsula

EVENT: North Korea in 2025: Next Steps on the Korean Peninsula

EVENT: North Korea in 2025: Next Steps on the Korean Peninsula

North Korea in 2025:
Next Steps on the Korean Peninsula

Friday, July 24, 2020
8:30am - 10:00am EDT
Meeting to be held virtually via ZOOM

While the international community continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the DPRK's series of missile launches in March and the deterioration of inter-Korean relations in recent months are reminders that much work remains to be done on traditional security issues. Even if little movement is expected in US-DPRK relations before the election in November, the interim period can be used to coordinate policy and build consensus to support short- to medium-term diplomacy. 2025 will mark the 75th anniversary of the start of the Korean War and the conclusion of the next US presidential term. What are the opportunities and challenges for the United States and the Republic of Korea to address the North Korean nuclear issue in the next five years? What are the prospects for improving inter-Korean relations? Join our experts as they assess the next steps the US and the ROK can take to ensure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region. To join, register here!

Panel Discussion Featuring

Dr. Chung Kuyoun
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Kangwon University

Mr. Keith Luse
Executive Director
The National Committee on North Korea

Ms. Lindsey Ford
David M. Rubenstein Fellow - Foreign Policy
Brookings Institution

Dr. Ma Sang Yoon
Professor of International Studies
Catholic University of Korea

Moderated by

Ms. Susan A. Thornton
Project Director of the Forum on Asia-Pacific Security
National Committee on American Foreign Policy



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