EVENT: Opportunities for Transatlantic Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

EVENT: Opportunities for Transatlantic Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

EVENT: Opportunities for Transatlantic Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

Opportunities for Transatlantic Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

Thursday, July 20, 2023

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM (ET)
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM (BST)

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom



Ms. Emma DeSouza
Founder and Co-FacilitatorCivic Initiative

Mr. Daniel Holder
Director, Committee on the Administration of Justice

Ms. Charmain Jones
 Women's Spaces Co-ordinatorNorthern Ireland Rural Women's Network

Ms.  Eileen Weir
 Network Coordinator, Shankill Women's Centre

Moderated by

Ambassador (ret.) Susan M. Elliott
President & CEO, NCAFP

In the spring of 2023, the international community gathered together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, a diplomatic triumph that resolved decades of conflict in Northern Ireland. The agreement put an end to significant sectarian violence by establishing a power-sharing system, and installing a commitment to political and social equality for all of the region’s inhabitants. However, Brexit and recent political events have significantly threatened the political stability established by the Good Friday Agreement, and have caused substantial socio-economic friction in the region. This friction has alarmed political leaders in Northern Ireland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and in the region’s strongest partner, the United States.

In light of the momentum following these Good Friday Agreement anniversary events, the NCAFP visited Northern Ireland in April 2023 to meet with political leaders and grassroots peacebuilding organizations and hear about their concerns in the post-Brexit political landscape. The organization published its findings in a recent report, and has convened a panel of experts from Northern Ireland to highlight some of the greatest political and socio-economic challenges in the region today.

Please join this esteemed panel of experts as they discuss these matters and many other pressing questions.  The event will be conducted via the video conferencing platform Zoom, which works on PC, Mac, or mobile devices. You do not need to create an account to use it. Guests will have the option to join the meeting through the Zoom application, or by calling in by phone.

In order to streamline the Q&A portion of the conversation, all guests will have their video feeds disabled.  We ask that guests submit all questions through the Q&A function or the chat box.  If you don't wish to use these functions, or will join by phone, please submit questions in advance or real time to [email protected] .

This event is open to NCAFP members and the public.
Please register through the link below or by emailing [email protected]


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