Next-Gen Perspectives on Korean Peninsula Security

Next-Gen Perspectives on Korean Peninsula Security

Next-Gen Perspectives on Korean Peninsula Security

The Evolving Security Landscape of the Asia Pacific: Modern Challenges and Opportunities for South Korea

In October 2023, the NCAFP’s Forum on Asia-Pacific Security reconvened its 2021 and 2022 cohorts of Next-Generation Korea Peninsula Specialists in NYC for a Track II conference. The Emerging Leaders discussed the evolving role of the Republic of Korea in the Asia-Pacific region, nuclear proliferation in the Korean Peninsula, the future of regional security architecture, and the intersection of economic policy and national security. Key points of discussion included:

  • South Korea’s role as a middle power and how it can navigate and improve its relationships with the U.S., Japan, and China
  • The future of the U.S.-ROK alliance under a potential second Trump administration
  • The debate over the development of a South Korean indigenous nuclear program in the context of fluctuating U.S. reliability and rising tensions in the region
  • How the U.S. should continue to foster diplomatic engagement with North Korea

Emerging Leaders' Podcast Special Episode


The NCAFP partnered with The Korea Society to record a roundtable discussion on North Korea policy. In this conversation moderated by NCAFP Emerging Leader and The Korea Society’s Policy Director, Jonathan Corrado (2021 Cohort), Shaquille James (U.S. Air Force, 2021), Nazanin Zadeh-Cummings (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2022), and Marialaura De Angelis (Track2Asia, 2022) discussed a new framing of the North Korean challenge, new approaches to engaging with North Korea, and transitional justice and contingency scenarios.

Click Here to Listen to the Special Episode, "New Perspectives: Emerging Leaders Reframe North Korea Policy."

This project was made possible through the generous support of:
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Henry Luce Foundation
Korea Foundation


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