Sustainability: Our National Strategic Imperative

Sustainability: Our National Strategic Imperative

Sustainability: Our National Strategic Imperative

On Thursday, March 14, the NCAFP hosted a public program entitled "Sustainability: Our National Strategic Imperative."

The event will feature

Col. Mark Mykleby, USMC (Ret.)
Senior Fellow, New America Foundation


Patrick Doherty
Director, Smart Strategy Initiative
Deputy Director, National Security Studies Program

This program is a follow-up to the NCAFP's public panel held in January 2012 entitled "A National Strategic Narrative: A Vision for America in the Age of Uncertainty." Colonel Mykleby and Mr. Doherty will explore what it will take to functionally frame and implement the grand strategy of sustainability outlined in "A National Strategic Narrative" written by Colonel Mykleby and Captain Wayne Porter, and published by the Woodrow Wilson Institute. Click the link to read Mr. Doherty's piece in Foreign Policy entitled "A New U.S. Grand Strategy: Why walkable communities, sustainable economics, and multilateral diplomacy are the future of American power."

Thursday, March 14th 2013
The Union Club (101 East 69th Street)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM - Arrivals
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Lecture
6:45 PM - Cocktail Reception

For questions on this or other NCAFP events, please contact our office at (212) 224-1120.


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