Report: How to Deal with North Korea: Reviving Multilateralism

Report: How to Deal with North Korea: Reviving Multilateralism

Report: How to Deal with North Korea: Reviving Multilateralism

How to Deal with North Korea:
Reviving Multilateralism in the COVID-19 Era

On May 26th, the NCAFP hosted a United States-China-Russia-Japan-Republic of Korea Track II Quintilateral video teleconference. Participants explored recommendations for multilateral cooperation on how to deal with North Korea and other non-traditional security issues that affect the five countries.

What are the major opportunities and challenges in addressing the North Korean nuclear program during the COVID-19 pandemic? And how can the five countries prioritize communication and minimize risks on non-traditional security issues? To learn more about how participants addressed these questions, click here to read "How to Deal with North Korea: Reviving Multilateral Cooperation in the COVID-19 Era." 


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